Finding Freedom Means One Sure Step at a Time.

Finding Freedom Means One Sure Step at a Time

Steps to freedom in Christ are taken slowly.

Sometimes, you can’t see how far you’ve come until you look back at your path.

Holidays make me think. I have sent the kids off to see their dad. And strangely, I am no longer sad or broken over this. Instead, I am aware of how far we’ve come.

I can see the freedom I walk in now. In the past, holidays were painful. It was almost like coming out of surgery. Raw, swollen, and awkward.

It can’t be helped. Sometimes, you can’t make things better than they are. You must go through them, one painful step at a time.

But farther down the path, you will see the wisdom of pursuing true freedom.

Finding freedom starts with a purposeful path.

These kinds of paths can be painful. But they are better than the alternative.

I’ve heard it said that not making a decision is making a decision.

There are choices in life. And as tricky as some choices may be, they are the ones that lead to freedom.

Addressing someone’s abuse, removing children from a school because of bullying, and acknowledging a substance abuse problem are choices that reek of awkwardness.

And make the giant waves.

They are the big decisions. The decisions that count the most and bring the most freedom.

By Scott Wilkinson from Getty Images via Canva

Proverbs 4:18

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

You have probably had to make tough decisions on your single mom’s journey.

You have pursued the best interests of your children.

And now, you get to rest in these decisions.

Our path today is more straightforward than it was yesterday. We may not know the future, but we can see and think more clearly than before.

This brings relief and freedom that cannot be diminished.

Our path becomes brighter and more secure every time we obey God on this journey.

For additional areas to pursue freedom, please consider these other topics:

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Finding freedom starts with safeguarding futures.

We don’t parent and live for today. There are futures to guard. Making choices to safeguard our children and ourselves for today and years down the road is vital.

We know instinctively that there are some things that our children need.

Kids need a safe and loving environment to grow up in, a faith of their own, and parents who place their needs second.

They need an education that will bring success, self-esteem that will strengthen them, and the ability to connect with others.

We need to give them a voice. Speaking and voicing their concerns protects them from abuse and dire situations.

We set out today to provide them with a healthy childhood and positive futures.

Freedom means living today.

Fully living today is the only way to find freedom. We cannot set ourselves and our kids up for freedom if we are too busy or overwhelmed to live today.

Every day, we have a path to walk. We can’t go back, and we can’t rush ahead. We must do our very best today.

Our daily path is loving, protecting, providing, and teaching these kids. We cannot leave it undone and expect freedom.

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Freedom needs to be protected.

Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

Don’t forget. And don’t go back to the people or things that caused bondage.

Stand fast in freedom!