Maintaining Focus and Determination In A Busy Life.

Maintaining Focus and Determination in a Busy Life

These are some great ideas on how to maintain focus in your life:

Staying focused is a skill, and here are a few ideas on maintaining focus in your busy life.

We see it in leaders, athletes, and businesses. And every once in a while, we find it in a person close to us. It’s a skill that should be pursued and practiced.

I have it in spurts. Yesterday, I cleaned the whole house. It’s true! I was focused and determined. However, today, I became entangled in something from my past.

It’s one of those text messages that may mean well, but you don’t honestly need to go over it again. By the end of the conversation, I was tearful and distracted from what I needed to focus on.

And I got to thinking about this business of staying focused.

It’s easy to get distracted.

But being distracted takes away from the things and the people that mean the most to you.

by Alejo Vazquez from Getty Images via Canva

The things that distract.

My brother always calls them the “loomings.”

This morning, they came as a text dealing with the past. And another wrinkle on my face.

The fleeting thought of, ” I didn’t think I would grow old alone.”

Our distraction from things that have happened in the past or something that may occur takes us away from the here and now.

Another distraction is rehashing our past decisions.

When we constantly second-guess ourselves and our choices, we cannot move forward and pursue new goals.

People pleasing, worrying, and listening to condemnation from the enemy are also common distractions.

Here are some additional ideas for setting goals as a single mom:

by Sergey Nivens via Canva

There are steps we can take to become more focused.

Pursuing focus means letting go of the past and not trying to control things in the future.

An old West saying sums this up, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” It’s akin to another saying, “Don’t borrow trouble.”

We can’t go back, and we can’t control the future, but we can focus on the here and now.

There are some things we need to let lie. Picking up past troubles and worrying about things that may happen steal our focus and should stay where they are.

Have a clear vision of what you need to focus on now.

What are your goals? We have children, businesses, and work. Where should we spend our energies?

Seeing our goals gives us focus and determination.

Remember the most important relationships.

We spend a lot of time and energy pursuing toxic or nonexistent relationships.

Pursuing God and having good relationships with those who mean the most make life rewarding.

We need to leave the rest in God’s hands.

by winstonwolf89 from Getty Images Pro via Canva

Determination and focus will be what determine the quality of our lives.

Choosing focus means ending floundering in life. We cannot waste time and energy on things we cannot control.

It’s time to let those things go and focus on what matters.

Here is an inspiring speech by President Theodore Roosevelt.