How to be Prepared for Supply Chain Interruptions and Unrest.

Howto be Prepared for Supply Chain Interruptions and Unrest

Prepping as a single mom seems complicated. But thinking things through saves heartache and desperation.

The Why.

We are living in a time of economic uncertainty and social unrest. And even the bravest and most stable of us are concerned.

I recently heard of a younger woman with a great husband and a few little kids. Anxiety and fear are a big part of her daily life.

If she is financially secure with a good and strong man, how much more do single moms feel this?

And how can we increase our peace and security? We need just a little cushion to stay out of desperate situations.

Early consideration of our problem is essential.

Scribd has a checklist that you may find helpful:

by hanibaram from Getty Images Signature via Canva

Small steps to prepare for difficult situations:

Consider your location.

I live in an area with a low population and minimal political unrest.

But it’s important to consider because some readers live in highly populated areas.

We all need to consider these issues:

  • What are your available food options?
  • How can you safely get to a quieter place during deep unrest?
  • Do you have the option of purchasing or renting a small cabin outside of town?
  • Are there relatives that you can stay with in times of emergency?
  • How can you safely stay where you are?
  • What kind of things will you need to avoid being desperate? Food, money, a full tank of gas?

Thinking through these concerns now will give you more peace of mind.

Be honest about your finances:

If you don’t have the money or resources you would like in difficult situations, that’s okay.

Thinking ahead will still give you a needed edge.

Small, commonsense things will significantly affect your ability to respond in times of crisis.

Consider your options:

by Valerii Honcharuk via Canva

Keep food and supplies on hand.

We all laughed at the poor woman grabbing toilet paper from other customers during the COVID lockdowns, but deep down, we know how vital toilet paper is! I’m laughing now, but it is essential!

So, we keep a few things on hand in case we can’t get out for supplies. Here are some considerations for keeping supplies handy.

  • Find a discreet place to store a few extra supplies—an attic, a back closet, and the basement.
  • Choose a couple of sturdy bins. Buy ones that can handle the weight and protect the food.
  • By a few items each time you go to the grocery store.
  • Consider buying a backpack you can grab in a hurry. One with essential survival items and supplies. Include small bills and place them in the pockets along with vital information.
  • Buy a gas can for extra gas and keep it in a safe place.
  • Remember to buy supplies such as toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, dishwashing detergent, bleach, and laundry detergent.
  • Buy foods that will last and have nutritional value. Drink mixes with vitamin C, powdered milk, extra baby formula, granola bars, bottled water, pasta (long shelf life), canned meat, beans, and vegetables. Bags of rice, beans, dog and cat food,
  • We may not be able to foresee every situation that may come our way, but we can become resourceful and careful people.
by Maridav via Canva

Making changes will decrease our feelings of anxiety and fear.

Denying the possibility of food insecurity doesn’t help.

Obsessing about social unrest doesn’t prepare us.

But thinking about our options and making simple plans can prepare us for situations that come our way.

God provides! And he will teach us to become strong and resourceful women, able to handle life confidently and gracefully.