How to Build a Peaceful Home Environment as a Single Mom

How to build a Peaceful Home environment as a Single mom

Creating a peaceful home environment is something we should actively pursue.

This peace I talk about is not whether Child One is currently at peace with Child Four. That kind of peace is short-lived. And changes with the wind.

But it is about providing an environment that is safe and peaceful. It’s about becoming steadfast women who decide what and who is allowed in our houses and lives.

by marrakeshh from Getty Images Pro via Canva

Start at the front door and the back door. Guard these faithfully.

  • We need to be careful about who is allowed in. As single moms, we can be so desperate that we let in anyone interested in us.
  • These include friends who are not compassionate and accepting—and family members who are given to judgment and legalism.
  • Unhealthy and desperate, needy people. Relationships that are dangerous and destructive. People that thrive on drama will not bring peace into your home.
  • Unsafe and unkind men are to be avoided like the plague.
  • No one should be allowed near our children unless we know they are safe.
  • Scary movies, dark TV shows. It’s incredible how something scary can steal a small one’s peace.
  • Faithfully guard against anything addictive. This includes video games, porn, and chemicals. As single moms, we must realize these destructive patterns and actively kick them out of our lives.
  • Do not allow in anything that has to do with the occult.
  • Anything that steals our time and our peace. Extra unneeded activities should be avoided.

These things are stopped at the door. We can teach our children that only good is allowed in.

by Elena Photo via Canva

Fill your home with the good things.

  • Laugh about everything. It is medicine for the soul! And it will change and heal relationships that have been through difficult times.
  • Good food. The tasty kind that gets people excited!
  • People that love you and these precious kids.
  • Turn the wholesome to total volume: funny old movies, game times, and hot tea with funny poems.
  • We love homemade popcorn and old Disney movies. Herbie, Old Yeller, The Wilderness Family. The North Avenue Irregulars. Where the Red Fern Grows. These movies are fun and wholesome.
  • Listen to Bible stories or Christian music, especially if they struggle with fear at night.
  • Hard work and rest.
  • Learn to love the outdoors—gardening, fishing, swimming, and hiking.
  • Listen to quiet guitar hymns. I might listen to KLOVE in my car, but this guitar instrumental music is very peaceful.

Pursuing peace and feelings of safety is faithfully guarding what is allowed in our homes and our lives.

It faithfully places love, wholeness, healthiness, and goodness in our lives.

Our choices provide our kids with peace, safety, and wholesomeness.

And as much as they might tease me about only watching and listening to the safe stuff, they feel at peace!

And this is worth fighting for!

Please consider this post for additional information on learning how to parent without a great example.