Bring On the Mom Jokes. You’re Gonna Need Them!

Bring On the Mom Jokes. You’re Gonna Need Them!

Parenting with humor is a decision. Because let’s face it, some days we have to look for “the funny” in life!

But over time, this decision pays off with happy, healthy kids!

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 NIV

I’ve met people who could laugh in almost every situation. And these are the people I most want to be like. Why? Because if you can learn to laugh, you will be okay.

Hard things happen to all of us. But if we are willing to start looking at life from a different angle, we will find the funny.

My dad has a great sense of humor and a gift for names. We had a pea-green Ford Pinto named Flash. An old International truck named Lurch.

At one point, we bought a massive painting of a stately Spanish Conquistador for five bucks at a garage sale.

This painting hung in the living room of our tiny house. I have no idea why. The poor fellow was very out of place. My dad called him Herman. Herman stayed for years.

Choosing laughter means choosing wellness.

Seeking out the funny is a decision.

It’s not a denial that things are hard. But an act of strength to choose hope. And a show of force to pass on hope.

It’s a gift to the people around us.

And it’s a necessity in life.

I think sometimes, we forget to pursue this. And we fail to pass it on.

Teaching our kids to laugh will heal their hearts and strengthen them for the hard times ahead.

These kids have been through hard times. And sadly, they will again. Life can be challenging. But it’s our job to teach them to seek out hope and laughter.

There is something in almost every situation to laugh at, and we need to look for it!

Laughing connects us with others. And it gives us a second chance to connect with these kids.

Bring on the mom jokes! These kids may groan and roll their eyes, but they will remember laughing with their Mama.

They will know that we are okay and that they will be too!

Laughing heals our hearts and theirs!

So, bring out the joke books. Look for every opportunity to giggle with these kids. And give them the gift of laughter! This will provide them with a childhood full of good memories!

Good Housekeeping has a collection of great kid jokes. You can find them here.