Giving yourself grace and talking kindly about yourself may be the start of finding peace regarding your past. It's around this time of year that I get spring fever. I…
Gaining a positive self-image is possible, but we must rethink our identity. Seeing ourselves as daughters of "The King," we can start over! The starting point requires us to slow…
Parenting with humor is a decision. Because let's face it, some days we have to look for "the funny" in life! But over time, this decision pays off with happy,…
Some days, I don't recognize gifts from God. I'm so wrapped up in difficult circumstances that I miss them. While wrapping the Christmas gifts last night, I had some lulls.…
Passing down truth, skills, and traditions ensures success for the next generation. There are so many examples of this! And so many cultures and people that do a great job…
Learning how to discipline kids was one of my greatest struggles. Doing it as a broken single mom became even more difficult. But over time, I learned how to decrease…
I'm not Shakespeare, but here's my funny romance short story. One short romance story saturated with too much reality. Ridiculous Romance Movies. It's romance season on TV. And it's killing…
Being grateful is always a choice. It may mean sorting through what you thought should happen in your life and looking for and finding things to be grateful for. The…
Learning to create boundaries as a single mom is vital. We overextended in every area. Practicing good boundaries about what we can and cannot do will protect us from emotional…
Creating a peaceful home environment is something we should actively pursue. This peace I talk about is not whether Child One is currently at peace with Child Four. That kind…