Creating bedrooms that make your family feel special isn’t rocket science—at least, I hope it’s not.
I also don’t think that this should break the bank.
I’m hoping it doesn’t require an interior designer, but let’s face it, having one around would be awesome!
However, creating bedrooms that make your family feel special takes planning and profound personal knowledge of each person.
We are currently redoing bedrooms around my house, and I’m struck again by how important this is!
If you are following my story, you will know that I am a single mom who homeschools four children, and “Oh, by the way, I fought breast cancer all of last year!”
Good things need to happen here! And creating bedrooms that make each family member feel special is a great place to start!
I’ve been studying and researching these things because that’s what I do, and I thought I would let you know what I’ve found!

Step One: Consider logistics and limitations for your bedroom redo’s. Please have a basic plan before you announce it.
Telling your kids they’ll get a new room before you’ve done the math or considered the logistics is just asking for meltdowns.
But thinking through these things will give you a basic plan.
Write down budget and space limitations.
Making a 1200-square-foot house larger isn’t always feasible. Much to his dismay, Tom may still have to share a bedroom with Harry.
But it doesn’t mean Tom can’t have a special area just for him!
Write down your budget and space limitations.

Step Two: Review what is important to each person.
My boys spent years loving dinosaurs—my daughters loved stuffed animals.
Consider some options of what they may love!
And write those down as well. How can you incorporate them into your plan?

Step Three: Let the family know and start brainstorming with them.
This is the fun part! Be clear about the budget and limitations, but let them see what is doable!
Show them pictures from Pinterest, Google, etc. Let them dream! And let them go on a self-exploration journey that delights their souls!
Have them start writing down whatever they would like. Give them a little time to adjust to the idea.
A couple of children struggled with room change ideas. But after I gave them time and ideas, they finally got on board.

Step Four: Consider ways to save money.
Start looking at the Facebook marketplace for furniture and rugs.
Consistently checking to see what they have that is in good condition or can be refurbished is a great way to find deals.
I have also found quality art pieces on there!
Go to local second-hand stores. I have found numerous trinkets and treasures that were precisely needed for a much cheaper price.
Don’t forget to splurge on the things that matter!

Step Five: Painting and elbow grease can accomplish so much!
A fresh coat of paint can work wonders! It’s a reasonably cheap endeavor, but it makes a difference!
Please review the effects of different color choices. Here is an article by Sherwin Williams to help you decide which color is best for you!

Step Six: Consider switching rooms around.
As my children have gotten older, I have had to be creative about bedrooms. The older boys will take over the playroom.
We are painting, rearranging, and changing the furniture to meet our current needs.
Change may be hard for some children, but if you are excited and show them the finished product, they will usually accept it.

Step Seven: Don’t forget yourself! Create a space for you!
I’ve been a single mom for quite a while now, so luxury hasn’t been an option. But I’m splurging on myself this time—and I’m so excited!
So, while planning, treat yourself to a little bit of luxury. Buy the rug you want. That chandelier!
I’m not saying you should destroy the budget, but it’s time to splurge on yourself!