It’s Not Over Yet—and Other Versions of Hope.

It's Not Over Yet and Other Versions of Hope

Words of encouragement for single moms.

Encouragement for single moms is vital! Life is challenging, and hope can be hard to find.

One of the most encouraging things to hear when you struggle is, “This isn’t over yet.” It’s easy to see why that brings hope.

That’s why this is one of my favorite Bible verses, Phillippians 1:6.

 Being confident of this very thing, that He who hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ.

Phillippians 1:6 KJV

Today, I’m incredibly grateful for that verse because I made another mistake.

Although I have healed in many areas, I didn’t make the cut today. Something came up, and I wasn’t where I wanted to be on that subject.

I let people down. People I care about. And yet, I couldn’t do what they needed me to.

Then the voices came. You know, the ones.

The accuser came and brought my past.

He brought to mind failures that are over and done with. And with it, doubts about the here and now. And gave me a heaping dose of “What if I never get it together?”

And for longer than I care to admit, I entertained him.

On this journey, I have climbed some high mountains, but there are some that I’m not quite ready for.

But I also realize that although I’m not where I want to be, I’m much farther along than I was.

God has done tremendous work in my life and will continue to.

My encouragement as a single mom is this: it’s not over yet. We haven’t seen the whole journey. But we will.

It’s not my first time writing about hope and encouragement for single moms. You can find my other post on this subject here.

by csterrell from Getty Images via Canva

Discouragement comes when we fail to understand that God still works in our hearts and lives.

We are only halfway; what we see now is only part of the journey.

Someone recently told me to go up into the high country. The wildflowers are amazing up there because of the amount of rain and snow received this year.

She told me there were types of flowers up there that hadn’t been seen in years.

And flowers make me happy.

So, off we went. And truthfully, I have never seen more beautiful wildflowers.

But what would have happened if I had only gone halfway? The result would have been that I never saw the new and different.

I think that’s one reason I got a little discouraged today; I’ve only seen half the journey.

It took time to go to the high country. And it takes time to be the woman that I want to be.

There’s nothing wrong with that. But I may need to be a little more patient with myself.

by mc from Getty Images via Canva

Take a deep breath and remain balanced.

We are women now. Falling into a weeping heap may be tempting but immature. And not necessarily beneficial.

So, let’s remain balanced and acknowledge both—the need for more growth and gratitude for past growth.

This is a just way to measure growth.

A just weight and balance are the Lord’s: all the weights of the bag are his work.

Proverbs 16:11 KJV

Balanced people live not in perfection but in balance.

by Jupiterimages from Photo Images via Canva

We stand in grace.

As much as we want to have it all together and as much as we want to be there for our people, there are times when we can’t.

And that is okay.

We accept the grace of God and others.

It’s humbling. This is not what we want. But it is where we’re at now.

As Amy Carmichael said, “In acceptance lieth peace.”

Growth will come. Eventually, but until then, we stand in grace.

by whitneycharles via Canva

Hope and encouragement for single moms have nothing to do with perfection.

But everything to do with growth and grace.

And that is perfectly okay.