Endurance and Grit: Strong Companions for Christian Moms.

Endurance and Grit Strong Companions for Christian Moms

Endurance and grit are qualities of Christian moms.

Life isn’t easy.

That’s not a bad thing.

But these qualities help us to hold on a little longer when things are hard.

 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

This kind of grit and determination gives a mom strength and courage to deal with a child with learning issues, an unplanned divorce, and poor finances.

We may be in a difficult place now, but it will improve. Our children and we will make it through to the other side of the valley.

And against all the statistics and odds, we instinctively know the best is yet to come.

by TravisPhotoWorks via Canva

But in the meantime, we practice endurance and grit.

Endurance is an attitude and a way of life.

It’s a quality you put on every morning.

Dictionary.com describes it this way.

Endurance is the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

A verse for this?

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galations 6:9. KJV

Grit is the confidence to know that you can do what you require.

Grit is courage and resolve; strength of character. Dictionary.com

I admit it. I’ve seen too many John Wayne movies. But let’s face it! The man could do grit!

He knew what the right thing to do in these movies and pursued it with courage.

Another verse?

For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.

Isaiah 50:7 KJV

by Noppharat05081977 from Getty Images via Canva

Gain courage through real-life situations!

Last night, I watched an excellent documentary about an explorer ship named The Endurance and her crew of twenty-six men. The story specifically follows the captain of the boat, Frank Worley.

This humble man saw his crew through overwhelming odds and horrific circumstances for almost two years in Antarctica.

His “endurance” and wisdom saved his crew and created an unbelievable example of endurance.

This documentary brought home the importance of endurance. And for moms, endurance is critical.

We may not be the captain of twenty-six men, but we are women depended on for feelings of wholeness, safety, and security by these kids we parent.

Frank Worley captained a ship, but our job can be equally daunting. Grit and endurance are needed as we navigate our waters.

I love biographies and documentaries of people who have lived through challenging times. And this one, in particular, is incredibly inspiring!

Endurance and grit are qualities that will always make us better people.

And better moms!