The Purpose of the Storm in Your Life.

The Purpose of the Storm in Your Life.

Facing trials as a Christian.

Facing trials as a Christian can bring deep comfort.

Christians know that God loves them. They may not entirely understand what is happening, but they know God sees their suffering and has a plan.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

James 1:2-4

The purpose of hardships and difficulties.

I’m not a big fan of trials. Or hardships. Or even inconveniences. But as much as I may dislike them, I have to admit that they can do more to bring me closer to Jesus than anything else.

Facing trials and storms as a Christian has a purpose.

Years ago, I read a devotional titled Streams in the Desert. It was beautifully and poetically written. This is one I always recommend for people going through intense hardship.

(This is a summary of one of Lettie Cowman’s devotional entries. I encourage you to get the book and read it in its entirety. It is a beautiful book with so much comfort. You will find a link to it here.)

In her book, Lettie Cowman tells the story of a young girl who had had a terrible accident. A minister comes to comfort the child, and he tells the story of a storm.

He explained that God sent the lightning, the floods, and the storm to create a beautiful canyon and to fill it with wildflowers.

The minister used the story to tell the little girl that sometimes God allows difficult times to clean and prepare the land to receive the changes God has for our lives.

by Nacho Juárez from Pexels via Canva

Admit to the need for change.

Trials highlight the need for change, as much as I hate to admit it.

I have recently had to admit that I am the Queen of Spiraling. When tough things happen, I start running around like Chicken Little when he thought the sky was falling.

This is a character flaw.

And it needs to change.

When God allows hardship or challenges, it’s not to hurt or destroy me. It’s to cleanse me. And to change me.

And the first step is admitting that there does need to be a change.

Spiraling every time there is a complication isn’t God’s will for my life. I need to learn a new way.

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The changes God wants to bring are for now and later.

God allows the trials to come because he has a plan.

God wants me to handle changes and challenges calmly and with hope.

And God wants to create character qualities that stand up to future challenges.

We don’t know what challenges we will face, but God does, and he’s preparing us for them now.

He wants us to be ready.

And so he allows these preparatory classes.

They are uncomfortable but vital for preparing us.

It’s kind of like preparing for a marathon. One prepares for it slowly.

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Be willing to accept the lessons and work with God to remove the character defect.

The trial may be difficult, but working with God and submitting to him will bring more significant results.

A good teacher doesn’t stop teaching hard things. They work with their students until they can do the work.

Fighting the teacher only causes stress and anxiety.

One of my favorite teachers was from elementary school. She was so kind. And tough. She patiently sat with me as I worked through my math problems.

She knew I would need those skills someday and gently taught them to me.

God knows we need these skills. And he’s gentle and kind and determined.

Agreeing with him brings peace.

I helped paint my grandmother’s house ages ago, which reminds me of this.

It takes work to paint a house. First, the power washer removes old flaking paint. Then, sanding removes old paint and damaged wood. Last, a fresh new layer of paint is applied.

It took time and work to paint the house, but it needed to be done.

This is the same with our lives. Rooting out our character flaws can be painful and laborious, but the results bring healthier and more productive lives.

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God’s plan for us is created in love and hope.

Any trial that God allows has a purpose.

He may require change. But he never leaves us in hopelessness.

His gentleness is always present.

Single moms endure hard times. But they are not outside of God’s hand. He has exceptional compassion just for you. You can read about it here.

Peace of Mind and Hope for Christian Single Moms. – (