Five Ways to Dwell in the Land and Do Good.

Five Ways to Dwell in the Land and Do Good.

“Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.” Psalms 37:3

This verse is brilliant because that’s where we’re at. Because dwelling in the land and doing good is available to all of us.

Most of us did not set out to become single parents. It’s a long lonely road. And there are a lot of limitations to it.

I’ve spent some time justifying my lack of success or movement forward.

My life is complicated, but the truth is, there were things to do and actions I could have taken but didn’t because I was so busy being focused on how the world “had done me wrong.”

It’s easy to do.

A lot of us are in this mess because somebody screwed up. And they left us holding the bag-a big bag full of difficult circumstances.

Not only are we dealing with anger, but we are dealing with genuine and painful circumstances.

Things like hurting kids, decreased finances, loneliness, and a massive blow to our self-esteem.

These things greet us every morning and fall asleep with us at night.

And I think this is where we stay if we are not careful.

This verse puts a limit on our excuses. Even amid challenging circumstances, we can hold our ground and do good.

And trust God with the outcome.

Trust God.

If he has left you in this land, he has a plan.

There is still hope and victory.

We may need a dose of hope, but we can make it.

We may need to change our perspective and our techniques, but we can know that God has a plan and a purpose.

Survey the land you’re in.

Honesty is the only place to start. The truth may hurt. But acknowledging exactly where we’re at is a required step.

Your land may include financial limitations, complicated living circumstances, and relational difficulties.

Some messes are immense and overwhelming. But admitting it doesn’t cause it. The problem is already there.

It just gives us a place to start.

Identify the ways you have put off “dwelling in the land.”

I admit it. I WOULD love to not dwell in parts of my land. There are things I’ve procrastinated on and ignored.

Dwelling in the land means conquering the land you are living in.

Out west, ranching is a way of life. The land is fenced for cattle and boundaries. This plot of land, to be successful, must be conquered and prepared for ranching.

The rancher tackles the problems on their ranch by being willing to work hard and oversee their land. This alone brings success.

The rancher sees the problem and deals with it.

Ignoring it and not making a plan brings failure.

Where do we need to do good?

A rancher may need to plow the east pasture, fix the back fence, and clean out the barn. They have a specific list.

Looking at specific situations, fine-tunes our plan to dwell in the land and do good.

I may need to acknowledge that my relationship with the tall boy has been a little tense and could use some more humor.

The finances may need to be overhauled. And the house needs a deep cleaning.

And this bitter heart may need to spend some time pursuing peace and forgiveness.

Understand that these actions and commitments will bring you safety and success.

Many versions of this verse talk about being fed (having enough) and dwelling in a safe pasture.

As single moms, I think it’s essential for us to spend time thinking about this.

Our safety and physical needs are met when we dwell in the land and do good.

Our commitment to doing the right thing where we are will ultimately bring good rewards.

We may not see it immediately, but success will come. Our relationships, needs, and lives will be rewarded with good that only God can provide. He wants us to work closely with him.

Spend some time today reviewing these verses and chapters. It will bring hope and encouragement.

And as a special time of worship and renewal, please consider listening to hymns by The Piano Guys.