The God Who Gives the Best Kind of Gifts.

The God Who Gives the Best Kind of Gifts

Some days, I don’t recognize gifts from God. I’m so wrapped up in difficult circumstances that I miss them.

While wrapping the Christmas gifts last night, I had some lulls. It’s nothing big, but I am slightly tired of the complications. And thinking that life would be better if it were easier. A lot easier.

I have my reasons. The dog ate orange plastic and ended up with an expensive vet bill. It turns out orange plastic is hard to…pass—Ya think! Dang, dog.

And the family couldn’t come to Christmas because of a severe storm. These were just a couple that weighed on my mind.

I was sitting there wrapping presents and feeling a little sorry for myself. Not much had gone as planned. There weren’t as many or as lovely of gifts as I had hoped. The dog had lived. The budget, not so much!

I was explaining all of this to God. Slowly, so that he would get it. I was slightly more exasperated that I had to explain this to him. After all, isn’t he supposed to be paying attention? (I’m happy He’s patient!)

And then he gave me this verse.

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11

I wish I could say I instantly transformed my thinking and started singing Christmas carols. It took a little more time. I’m a bit of a slow processor.

But eventually, I realized what “good gifts” he was talking about.

by yvettefang0604 from pixabay via Canva

Gifts already received.

You know the ones I’m talking about. These gifts set you up for wholeness. Freedom from an abusive spouse, parents that help out, healing for your children, and compassionate loved ones. Salvation.

Although sometimes, I forget these fundamental good gifts, they are the foundation of life. You may have to look a little harder for these.

It’s possible that God gave you a cheerful disposition, great parents, or a firm faith. Perhaps you are strong and can handle things that come your way without falling apart.

There are gifts that God has given. We may need to be reminded of them.

by rose from nghia via Canva

Gifts in process.

These are some of my favorite kinds of gifts!

The ones that are happening right before our eyes. These tend to be the things that are so complex they need to be done in steps.

We may need to get out the magnifying glass.

Financial growth, though slow, is coming along! Gaining a college degree, kids who are finally making giant steps emotionally, spiritually, and educationally. This may include a heart being healed from divorce or death.

The relationship with that tough oldest kid? Now, you can make him laugh! Your small online business? Just a few more sales than last year! And the kid that was bullied, and you put him in homeschool? He’s just bursting out of his shell!

I get excited just thinking about it!

by Kim Stiver from Pexels via Canva

Gifts to come.

These kinds of gifts make me hold my breath!

I sat there last night and looked at the gifts I had gotten for my kids. The weightlifting gloves for the teenager, the money box with a lock for the saver, and the cake decorating set for the artist.

I had put so much thought into each gift. Each gift was given out of love and hope for their future.

God has thought through each gift for me and will give me the ones that bring the most freedom and happiness in my life.

I’m limited in goodness and finances.

But God is not. And I wonder what good gifts he’s so excited to give me.

If I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces today, I’m guessing he has those same feelings, the anticipation of joy to come for the gifts he will give me.

These gifts last! They bring joy and freedom!

We need to recenter and remember! Merry Christmas, my friends!

Gifts from God, by Chris Tomlin. It’s a hit-the-spot song!