For the Days You Would Really Like to Scream.

For the Days You Would Really Like to Scream.

Somedays are just hard, and this is hope for the hard days.

Some days, I’d like to scream, but it would do little good. No one would listen. And then you would have to apologize. And who likes to do that?

Murphey’s Law.

Murphey’s Law. When things can go wrong. They will go wrong.

Then there’s always the Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This song. That’s what’s going through my head right now.

However, you want to say it; some days are just crappy. And the best thing about them is when they’re over.

There are a zillion things that cause them. Today’s guilty culprit?

It’s one of those stupid auto bills that come out of nowhere. My fault?

Absolutely. It doesn’t cure the $350 that disappeared into thin air. And just when I got caught up.

Today’s just one of those days.
Some days are rough. And some days are just too much!

by 12019 from pixabay via Canva

And how did I handle it? I did what everyone else would do.

I melted. Not productive at all. But understandable. I mean, after all, how much can one girl take?

I froze up and freaked out. But then, I realized something.

Falling apart isn’t thinking clearly.

Step one. Take a deep breath, have a little faith, and remember that God is with you and for you.

You’ll have what it takes to make it through the rough day. You can face the problem.

The problem wasn’t going to go away. I would need to deal with it. I grabbed what little faith I could muster and turned toward the problem.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
Isaiah 43:2 NIV

Step two. Do the next thing. Deal with it.

I gritted my teeth and did the hard thing. It was messy and ugly. And not at all what I wanted to do. But I accepted the truth and did what I had to do to survive and make it through.

By DzidekLasek from pixabay via Canva

Step three. Accept the reality.

This difficult spot wasn’t where I wanted to be, but here I was.

Admitting reality can be unpleasant.

I didn’t die. It was just a bit of unpleasantness. And we can live through that.

Step four. Regroup. Rethink.

Either what we are doing isn’t working, or we need to give ourselves a little more time.

I decided to give myself a little more time. And a little more breathing room. I will make it, and so will you.

All is not lost. We can have the hope that tomorrow will be better. We will make it through the hard patches.

So, on the rough days, know you’re not alone. Know that God is with you. And for you. And that with him, you will make it through.

Here’s a song to encourage you. I heard this on the radio yesterday. It hit the spot; I hope it helps you, too.

For additional information on finding hope, please consider this post: