Fill Up on Hope and Change Your Perspective

Fill Up on Hope and Change Your Perspective

Learning how to feel more positive about life is a skill that all of us need.

It wasn’t long ago that the doldrums of winter set in. The lack of sunlight and a never-ending supply of complications began to get to me.

The truth is, the calendar may say it’s spring. But, oh no! It is not. I have months yet!

I’m a bit tired of housework! I cannot wait to sit on the back porch with a cold iced tea and let my bare feet feel the warm wood.

But that won’t be for a while yet. And it’s time to feel more positive!

After all, even I don’t like my own company!

It’s time to refocus and accentuate the positive!

It’s time to fill up our lives with hope in every way.

I think everyone can get a bit lost.

And even the strongest of us need a dose of hope. And a positive attitude.

Becoming a cheerful woman is a decision.

I was recently at the hospital with one of my boys for minor surgery too early in the morning. I overheard an older woman behind the next curtain.

She had nice words to say to every nurse and doctor she interacted with. This surgery she was about to have, she had before.

This was her third surgery on her knee. Knee surgery is painful and inconvenient.

I’m afraid I would have been a little disgruntled about the whole matter, but that’s not how she handled it. She was looking at the positive.

Perspective is everything!

The woman focused on having a great doctor. And a good nurse.

The outcome would take care of itself, but at that moment, she focused on the good. And she shared that good with others.

I could tell she had chosen to be this kind of woman.

By wind of hope from wind of hope via Canva

Filling your life with positive thoughts is purposeful.

Becoming more positive and feeling more positive is something you have to seek out.

This probably means not watching the news quite so often and turning on the things that matter most.

Things that encourage your faith.

Every generation has had difficulty. And women of faith are the ones that make it through. Cheerful women are the backbone of hard times.

And you cannot be cheerful if you are not feeling optimistic. You can only fake things for so long!

Seek out the lasting hope and surround yourself with it.

Listen to the positive!

My favorite radio station is KLOVE.

Here is an app for that. It’s the only radio station I listen to regularly. There is a reason for that! What we hear changes our hearts!

K-LOVE on the App Store (

Watch the positive!

Movies that encourage our faith change our outlooks!

Many faith-based movies are available now! They teach important lessons and provide positive entertainment.

Address your worry from a positive standpoint.

You have options. Don’t let the devil tell you otherwise.

In the last few months, the budget has been…” smaller.” I had to rethink that more positively. And I came across this video from Priscilla Shirer.

In my last blog post, I referred to her before, but her encouragement is worth mentioning again.

Especially for single moms. We have a lot of stress and activity on our plates. Listening to her has been a game-changer!

You can find it here under resources.

Resources Resources – Resources – Resources % (

by DenisTangneyJr from Getty Images Signature via Canva

Be grateful.

Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts, has profoundly influenced my life. Her story of looking for God’s gifts has changed my perspective.

Even my children know about looking for God’s blessings: a sunset, a deer, or a quiet day at the river.

Feeling more positive has everything to do with looking for the positive.

My mom always told us this story about a girl she was a nurse with. The girl could find the positive in any situation.

She was on her way to work one day early in the morning. It was dark out, and the rain was pouring down.

The car she was driving broke down, and she had to walk to work.

By the time she got there, she was soaking wet and cold.

My mom asked her, “What is the positive in this?” She looked my mom in the eye, “I’m glad it was dark so that no one could see me in this soaking wet uniform.”

That is a woman who has done the difficult thing and chosen to look a little harder for the hopeful and the positive.

I’m not saying this is easy.

But filling up your life with hope?

It’s worth it.

And it’s helped me to feel more positive about life. I hope it helps you also!