Fighting breast cancer last year was the greatest battle of my life. I’ve learned a few things. These lessons brought me hope and I’m hoping to pass them on to you!
My Story
Last year, right before Christmas, I was diagnosed with Stage 3a ER/Pr H2-Breast Cancer. Bam. My whole world stopped. You can read about it here.
I went through a single mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation.
And all from a woman who has been healthy her entire life. Shock doesn’t begin to describe it. I’ve spent a year reeling from this discovery.
But I can honestly say that God was with me in every part. Sending me supernatural encouragement and people who helped me on my way.
For a while, I felt so abandoned by God. But looking back, I realize this had to happen.
The cancer needed to be removed, and the truth is, I needed to live life differently.
(For some, this might be offensive. They’ve lived as well as they possibly could. I lived as well as I could also. No one would figure me as someone who would be diagnosed with cancer. I completely understand this way of thinking. But if there are things I can do differently, that empowers me.)
These are the lessons that helped me the most! My prayer is that you also will find hope in these!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I’m pretty new to this journey. These lessons do not replace a doctor’s instructions. They are simply what I’ve learned during my journey.

Fighting breast cancer in a multifaceted way means acknowledging that we are spiritual beings.
That means a part of us longs to have a relationship with God, which may be a new thought to some.
Please view this video for those who are unsure or unaware of how to come into a relationship with God.
A printable version of this:
After establishing our relationship with God, we need to understand that the whole Bible is ours to use to learn and to live.
This Bible contains information essential to our health battles. After all, the One who created us knows about our bodies!
Create a list of verses and memorize them.
Creating a list of scripture and memorizing those verses to have at your disposal is essential to the fight.
Being able to quote them repeatedly, out loud, is vital to this war. You have an enemy.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:20 NIV
Know who your enemy is and align yourself with God.
Satan is your enemy. Please acknowledge that. His plans for you are destructive. See that. And fight against it.
Choose to align your will with God’s plan. God’s plan is that you might have life and life abundant.
Know God is with you.
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV
At my darkest times during this journey, I knew God was with me. Sure, absolutely I’ve panicked lots.
But alone in my room at night when I was so sick and afraid, I would picture God there with me and feel his presence.
Many times, he would hold me as I slept. I don’t want anyone to go through this. But I most definitely don’t want someone to go through this alone.
For additional information, please consider Be In Health ministries. You can find them on their website or information on YouTube.
Also, Andrew Wommack Ministries. Many messages are on YouTube as well.
Continually listen to positive and uplifting material. This will help keep your mind from going to those dark places as much.
Create a list of verses on healing and life and meditate on them.

Fighting breast cancer in a multifaceted way means that you will need to acknowledge what is going on emotionally.
As a single mom, I have a story. And with that story comes a lot of baggage. I’ve spent a lot of time in anxiety, stress, and bitterness.
If you are fighting breast cancer, it’s time to get rid of as much of this as possible. I understand that life dishes out stress. But we need to make changes that bring more peace.
Sometimes, it may mean a job change or changing your financial situation.
Getting rid of bitterness can be tricky. I thought I had forgiven people in my life, but looking closer, I saw that I had more work to do.
I firmly believe that my stress level, bitterness, and anxiety had a lot to do with my cancer diagnosis. You cannot live with this much poison and not have it affect your health!
For more information, you may want to view the following video from Be In Health ministries.
Some may become angry when it’s suggested that we may have played a part in having a cancer diagnosis, but for me, it was most helpful.
I never want to get this again, and if I can change my life to decrease that chance, I’m going to!
My counselor told me that often, with a cancer diagnosis, there is a five-year timeline. That means that five years ago, something big happened, and it changed our world.
This can mean the death of someone we loved, divorce, betrayal, or something so big that we knew we would never be the same.
Caregivers, such as those caring for aging parents, are also susceptible.
You may want to work with a licensed Christian counselor to resolve some of these matters. Here is a directory to help you find one in your area.

Fighting breast cancer in a multifaceted way includes the physical body.
This is a disclaimer: I am not a doctor and do not have any medical advice for anyone. This is simply my opinion and experience from going through this.
When I started this journey, I was filled with anxiety. Somedays, it still gets me. But then I started researching how other people survived this and what they did to change their outcomes.
I found there were steps that I could take to bring some of my life back under control.
Researching how other people dealt with a cancer diagnosis gave me hope. I felt more in control.
YouTube became a lifeline. I followed Chris Beat Cancer, The Biblical Dietician, Ginny Dent Brant, and Joe Tippens.
Facebook has many groups, including the Healing Breast Cancer Naturally group, Joe Tippens Group, and repurposed medications groups.
I’m not advocating for any of these, but I am advocating that you research your options—all of them.
This will help you feel more in control of your situation.
And lastly, be held by God.
I found a special way to deal with my fear and pain.
When I laid down, I pictured myself lying against God. I quoted verses and let him minister to my heart and mind.
I almost did not include this in the post. One, because it’s hard to explain. Two, because some might think I have an overactive imagination. (Which I might!)
However, this brought me so much comfort. I’ve been through a mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. And now I am on long-term hormone pills.
During my very darkest days, I felt his presence. He was with me when I could not hold down water for four days.
There is something truly comforting about having Jesus right next to you and telling you that “I will never leave you or forsake you.”
I pray that you will sense God’s presence in your journey and find the peace and comfort that only he can bring.