Instilling Good Work Ethics and Positive Attitudes in Kids.

Instilling Good Work Ethics and Positive Attitudes in Kids.

Installing good work ethics and positive attitudes in your children is anything but easy. However, the quality of their life depends on it.

This weekend was an outside work weekend. And it got a little ugly.

I kept dragging the kids away from the TV and repeatedly giving instructions. Since my kids do daily chores, I was slightly surprised at this behavior.

Finally, TV privileges were taken away for a week. And I was left feeling (loudly) frustrated.

I know they need these skills for jobs and life. The struggle is worth it, even if it does get ugly.

There may be some areas that kids will naturally grow in as they age, but some areas need to be encouraged and instilled.

We humans often take the easy way out.

But adults need to be above this. These kids need to be ready to do the hard things to succeed.

I’m not demanding doctors, lawyers, or business people. But I am determined to teach them the skills they need in every job.

And a good work ethic and a positive attitude at home are equally important.

by chalabalaphotos via Canva

A positive attitude is part of a good work ethic.

Maybe it’s just me, but I hate lazy, grumpy attitudes from people being paid to do a job! I’m wondering where this comes from.

Why do they have this entitled attitude that they do not need to work like everyone else?

And then there are the grumpy people who work but have a bad attitude.

But I love the people who show up with a cheerful attitude and try hard.

I’m willing to overlook most mistakes because I know they’re trying.

That’s my goal for these kids!

Willingness, humility, and cheerfulness. These are qualities of great employees and partners in life.

One way to do this is by encouraging them to have their own faith.

Another way to be involved is to protect them actively.

Ensuring they have been protected and their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs are met is a great place to start.

One can only fake a good attitude for so long. A positive attitude comes from within.

by DonNichols from Getty Images Signature via Canva

Teach kids the benefits of hard work.

After the dust settled, I could see my boys’ pride in their work. The large yard was clean, mowed, and functional; the ducks were swimming happily in their newly accessible pond.

They felt good about it. I’m just sorry that it cost them a week of TV privileges.

Perhaps I need to do a better job of explaining the benefits of hard work.

They must understand that good things come when they lean into a job and do it well.

This is true in all areas of life: family, school, and work.

People with good work ethics and attitudes are more successful in every area of life.

They must also understand that they must help carry the load as a family member.

I’m beginning to think that this lack of chores may be where this feeling of entitlement comes from.

But we need to change this attitude, especially in a single-parent household. It does take everyone to make this work.

Some of the most responsible and resourceful people I’ve ever met come from single-parent homes. These kids learn that working together takes all of them to keep things afloat.

Here is an excellent list from Focus on the Family for age-appropriate chores.

Installing good work ethics and positive attitudes in your children is worth the struggle.

There are a few things in life that bring excellent rewards. This is one of them. A good work ethic and a positive, cheerful attitude are essential in every situation.

We teach this by example and by our words.

Installing these truths may be difficult, but baby steps in this direction are life-changing.