Learn How to Forage For Food! A Strange and Happy Option!

Learn How to Forage For Food! A Strange and Happy Option!

Foraging is a skill to lean back on!

I come from a long line of industrious, hardworking survivalists, and they knew how to forage for food.

My ninety-pound granny could grow anything, sew anything, and cook anything. The family of ten kids ran a farm in the south.

Mental illness ran rampant, as did chemical abuse and a host of other negative behaviors, but gosh darn it! They could farm and live off the land.

Jesus and counseling didn’t show up until generations down the line. However, I will give them credit for this. They were able to live contented with local supplies.

Foraging for food is a skill we all need to learn.

by ptaxa from Getty Images Signature via Canva

A Scary World Needs a Back-Up Plan.

As a single mom, I feel incredibly vulnerable. But there have been many single moms before.

I think that one reason some single moms were successful when others fell apart and became victims of the situations was their ability to think outside the problematic box they had the misfortune of finding themselves in.

They didn’t lose their head and panic. One Bible verse I have kept close during these years is Proverbs 22:3 (ESV). The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple goes on and suffer for it.

by igorr1 from Getty Images via Canva

In our single-mom world, which travels at lightning speed, we often fail to stop and consider the consequences of our actions and the actions of those in leadership around us.

It’s our way of protecting ourselves from being overwhelmed. We are just holding on to the ride. “Bother me with the details later. I’m just trying to make it through today.”

I understand. But we must realize that tomorrow will come. And with it may come hard economic times. We need options. We do not need to fall apart and panic. But we do need to have an extra layer of skills. My dad always says, “Keep something in your back pocket.”

by tab1962 via Canva

Foraging. A Strange Option.

Many people have made this a way of life. Native Americans, Immigrants, and frontiersmen and women. And why not? It’s an option! A doable one!

It’s making a comeback in our world! And I think it’s a great idea.

Learning how to forage for food is an incredible skill!

But one should not go out mindlessly! We need a guide on which plants are healthy to eat daily and which ones to keep around for medicinal purposes.

I’m more cautious of medicinal plants because I know little about them. But I am willing to learn.

When we consider foraging, it helps us realize there are other ways to make it. If there were tough economic times, we could forage for food.

We could sell or trade what we feed. I’m not saying this is a way of life for us, but it would be an option during a difficult time.

by congerdesign from pixabay via Canva

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Do Your Research.

Find an excellent book about foraging in your region.

I bought a book about food and herbs in the Rocky Mountains, and when we went camping this last time, I brought it with us. It was amazing! I had no idea how much food was readily available to us!

Here is a book available on Amazon.com for foraging in North America.


Udemy has some courses on foraging for additional information:


by Stefano Oppo from corelens via Canva

Teach Your Kids!

It’s a great survival skill and gives them confidence!

I’m not saying we will ever need these skills, but I’m looking for options as a single mom! I want my kids to know how to find food and that there are ways to make it if they need to!

Please also consider additional ways to live independently in a chaotic world.
