Practical Work From Home Options for Moms.

Practical Work-from-Home Options for Moms

Moms and single moms especially need schedules that are flexible and feasible. Work-from-home options provide flexibility for women who do not have a lot of options.

But finding this type of work can be tricky.

Certain situations can place moms in desperate situations, and then we are left grasping for anything legitimate.

Or not legitimate.

Desperation can make a woman do things that she may not otherwise do. But more than that, it can take away our energy and hope.

And living long-term in desperation can affect our health and our outlook.

Jobs from home are difficult to find, and meeting the requirements of the one you see can also limit your job search.

PrathanChorruangsak from Getty Images via Canva

Find your minimum need.

We need to have a basic understanding of how much we truly need to get by. Later, as time goes by and our earning potential increases, we can change this.

Single moms may want to start here to find basic financial requirements.

If we know the amount of money we need as a bare minimum, we can start with a smaller amount, which will be less overwhelming in our work-from-home job search.

Woodworking nina_gili via Canva

Consider your skills.

When I first became a single mom, I was utterly desperate. I had no idea how I was going to make this work.

And for some strange reason, this verse came to me.

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Ecclesiastics 11:1.

It was my starting point.

I could do a few things: write, craft, clean, and watch kids.

My list was small, but it was a starting point.

You may have marketable skills to use in a work-from-home situation, even if you have never thought of them that way before.

Allowing yourself to place your bread (however small) on the water is a step towards earning potential.

It may seem minor to you, but if it is a skill you can perfect, you may very well be able to monetize and earn from it.

ejlindstrom from pixabay via Canva

Prayerfully consider your work-from-home options.

Start with three small “maybe this would work” ideas. As moms, multiple income streams are a good idea for various reasons.

We’re not going overboard here, but building on this basic idea can make us much more secure in the future.

Farmers have multiple income streams, which allows them a more steady cash flow. Please consider reading about that here.

marrio31 from Getty Images Signature via Canva

Begin researching these work-from-home possibilities.

Take a small step. Look online. Has anyone else had your idea or an idea like yours?

At this point, we are just window-shopping. Look to see what’s out there! How did these people gain the skills they needed and fine-tune them?

What kind of income did it bring? Is feasible?

If not, you can cross it off the list, but if it’s a strong contender, move forward.

Here is additional information on working from home from US News.

Karolina Grabowska from Pexels via Canva

As you create your income streams, be prepared to do what you need to survive.

This may include babysitting, dog sitting, or other avenues.

Do what you have to do to survive now, but begin building slowly. It took almost two years to earn money for my tiny business.

But now I can rely (usually) on it. This is why more than one source of income is a good idea.

George Dolgikh Via Canva

Seek out experts.

Move slowly, but move. Finding profitable work-from-home jobs takes research and dedication.

I found many helpful books at my local library!

There are also specific experts in the field you are interested in to give you additional ideas. You can find them on YouTube, etc.

Engin_Akyurt from pixabay via Canva

Working from home will give you the options and flexibility you need.

But it won’t be easy.

Digging our way out of desperate situations is doable.

And the freedom it provides is worth all of the work.

Prayers for your journey.